
"When seeking falls away, what remains is the simplicity and perfection of this"

Non-Duality Teachings
The Lightness of Being: Enlightenment & Self-Realisation

The Story of Marnix

After working as an engineer for 10 years, the need arose to let go of the constant felt unrest that resulted in the need to constantly "do something".

A period of over a year insued in which Marnix spent sitting on park benches and walking around, until this need fell away and he could simply be comfortable with just "being".

Although this year showed many glimpses and resulted in the breaking down of the concept of self, seeking remained.

After this period Marnix went back into the world and has worked as a wedding photographer ever since. It was around 6 years later that the last of the seeking energy fell away and liberation occured.

He lives in Rotterdam, the Netherlands and shares non-duality teachings and gives energetic & breathwork sessions.

He loves dancing, photography, spending time in nature and sharing insights on the subject of non-duality.

Our Services

We use our own patented system called CCC, short for Clients, Culture and Company. Our specialists are able to "infiltrate" all company sections and analyze for areas where improvement is needed. No matter what problem we discover, we have a solution and our specialists are ready for the job.

Our Team

No matter where your company is located, we are able to establish a professional team within 48 hours. Our teams are always in high alert so your potential problems can be solved with military precision. Our employees are constantly educated so they are up to date with current market trends.

Incredible Numbers

ProBiz Clients

Intrinsically integrate diverse action items for team building best practices. Globally supply covalent ROI via e-business markets, assertively.

ProBiz Projects

Intrinsically integrate diverse action items for team building best practices. Globally supply covalent ROI via e-business markets, assertively.

ProBiz Solutions

Intrinsically integrate diverse action items for team building best practices. Globally supply covalent ROI via e-business markets, assertively.

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